四年一度歐國盃 6月15日開波喇!

Now TV 獨家全程直播*51場精彩賽事,指定客戶購買歐洲國家盃2024賽事通行證只需$580起^。

UEFA EURO 2024™ kicks off June 15!

Get access to all 51 matches only on Now TV*, with an Event Pass as low as HK$580^ for selected customers. 
This year, join with COLLAR to cheer on your favorite teams and bring the football frenzy to Hong Kong! Sign up now to unfurl the world-class action!

*Live UEFA EURO 2024™ Matches will be broadcasted exclusively in Hong Kong by Now TV. UEFA Euro 2024™ will be held from 15 June 2024 to 15 July 2024 (Hong Kong time). All matches are subject to cancellation and/or suspension by the organizer. Dates and times of all matches and events may be subject to change from time to time, so please refer to official announcements by the organizer for the latest information. Please note that the Company cannot guarantee the continued availability of the channels, programs and services on the Now TV services for the entire duration of your Event Pass subscription; and it shall not be liable for any unavailability or delay in the broadcast, of any matches and/or programming.

^This offer is valid till 15 July 2024. Eligible customer has to meet designated month fees requirements of the subscription plan with designated commitment period in order to enjoy the discounted price of HK$580 (list price: $980) to subscribe the Event Pass. The Event Pass permits a customer to watch UEFA EURO 2024™ live matches and re-runs (“UEFA 2024 Matches”) from 15 June 2024 to 15 July 2024 via the Now TV services. UEFA 2024 Matches will be broadcasted on Now TV Channel 618 and/or Channel 619 and/or Channel 688. On the Now TV services, on-demand replays will be available within 24 hours of the live event and will not be available after 14 August 2024 (Not include the matches broadcast live on Channel 688). The Event Pass will expire on 14 August 2024. Depending on the sale channel through which you subscribe to the Event Pass, the charges for the Event Pass will be billed through a csl, 1O1O, Club Sim Postpaid, Netvigator or Now TV invoice, as applicable. The Event Pass and the Now TV service, respectively, are subject to additional terms and conditions. Please refer to https://www.nowtv.now.com/tnc/uefaeuro2024.

Now TV is provided by Now TV Limited and is available in designated areas only. In the event of any dispute, the decision of Now TV Limited shall be final. Now TV is a registered trademark of the HKT Group.

*Now TV 將於香港收費電視獨家播放歐洲國家盃 2024 全部賽事。歐洲國家盃 2024 將於 2024 年 6 月 15 日至 2024 年 7 月 15 日(香港時間)舉行,所有賽事取決於主辦單位的取消及/或暫停。活動及賽事日期及時間可能會不時變更,請參閱主辦單位官方最新公佈。請務必注意電訊盈科媒體有限公司並不能確保客戶所訂購 Now TV 服務的頻道、節目及服務於賽事通行證訂購期內會持續播放或提供,及不對任何賽事及/或節目的未能供應或播放延遲承擔責任。

^優惠期至 2024 年 7 月 15 日。優惠適用於指定客戶訂購指定承諾期之服務計劃及符合指定月費條件可享優惠價港幣 580 元訂購「歐洲國家盃 2024 賽事通行證」(正價港幣 980 元)。客戶可透過賽事通行證及 Now TV 服務於 2024 年 6 月 15 日至 2024 年 7 月 15 日期間觀看歐洲國家盃 2024 直播賽事和重溫(「歐洲國家盃 2024 賽事」)。歐洲國家盃 2024 賽事將於 Now TV 頻道 618 及/或頻道 619 播放及/或頻道 688 播放,於 Now TV 服務上提供點播重溫則於賽事直播後 24 小時內上架,直至 2024 年 8 月 14 日下架(不包括頻道688 播放的賽事)。賽事通行證之有效期至 2024 年 8 月 14 日。根據訂購賽事通行證的銷售管道,此賽事通行證之收費將透過 csl、1O1O、 Club Sim 月費服務 、網上行或 Now TV 帳單(如適用)收取。優惠不可與其他任何優惠同時使用。受條款及條件約束,詳情可參閱 https://www.nowtv.now.com/tnc/uefaeuro2024

Now TV 由 Now TV Limited提供,只適用於指定地區。Now TV 為 HKT 集團之註冊商標。